

Steinberg Hart is a JUST Organization

Steinberg Hart is proud to share that we have received the JUST label from the International Living Future Institute (ILFI). This label is a representation of our commitment to increased transparency, social justice and equity.

JUST is a nutrition label for socially just and equitable organizations. It is not a certification program, but rather a transparency platform that allows organizations to disclose information about their operations through 22 social justice indicators within six categories: diversity & inclusion, equity, employee health, employee benefits, stewardship, and purchasing & supply chain. The program provides a framework for our continuous efforts to support our team members and their professional success and personal wellbeing, measuring our commitment to these key indicators. The label is a representation of our commitment to increased transparency, social justice and equity, giving us an indication of how we are upholding our values as a company.

Ultimately, the JUST Label serves as a valuable benchmark for Steinberg Hart.  In addition to showing us areas where there is room for improvement, this benchmark goes beyond demonstrating our corporate social responsibility – it allows us to understand ourselves better, identify areas for improvement, take pride in our successes, and see ourselves through the lens of designing a just future.