Our Approach
At the heart of our practice is a way of looking at architecture that has been developed over the course of our 70 years of practice. We consider 9 Realities of Architecture that guide our reflections and considerations as we design, advance, and critique our work, to ensure that our clients’ projects reach their maximum potential.
1. Architecture is the Pursuit of Perfection
Architecture strives to be the perfect embodiment of an idea as free as possible from all flaws or defects. It requires a process of methodical and relentless refinement.
2. Architecture is Inherently Disruptive
Architecture doesn’t exist in isolation. It is, in effect, like joining an existing conversation. Architecture should be responsive to its context, purpose, and moment in time.
3. Architecture Builds Community
Architecture is a social art that choreographs human interaction.
4. Architecture Exists in Tension with Nature
Architecture strives to co-exist with nature’s forces including gravity, water, and light.
5. Architecture is Storytelling
At its best, architecture originates from a single organizing narrative, and every supporting element is an expression of that same force.
6. Architecture Tells Us How to Use It
A building’s function, hierarchy, and navigation should support an intuitive understanding.
7. Architecture is Art
Architecture goes beyond the utilitarian skill of responding to physical and functional requirements. Elevating the spirit through rebellious exploration, it provides new perspectives on the known, allowing others to see things differently.
8. Architecture Requires Leadership
Architecture requires leadership that can develop a clear vision, build consensus, and sustain that vision over time.
9. Architecture is Innovation
Architecture brings ideas, creative thought, or imagination to address existing conditions, new requirements, or unarticulated needs, resulting in progress for humanity.
The Realities of Architecture are further detailed in a recently released book, How Architecture Tells, by Steinberg Hart Chairman Rob Steinberg, FAIA.
At Steinberg Hart, we look at design as an interactive exploration. We have a passion for creating spaces that originate from a true partnership with our clients.
Our Process
We first start by gathering information through research and catalog our thoughts through the lens of opportunities and challenges. We start by developing a high-level concept through programmatic massing studies. We want to understand thoroughly base building blocks and parameters that set the stage for iterative design moves. We leverage the symbiotic relationship of programmed spaces, giving us an opportunity to really understand how we can maximize value for our clients.
It is critical that we set the stage for how movement occurs as one approaches the site and how occupants flow from the ground plane to their destinations. By understanding competing products and the demands of the marketplace, we looked to organize a roadmap of design investigations. From proportions of common space connected to population to scale of the project itself, we develop an aspirational and dynamic future for each project we take on. We believe that our diagrams and drawings need to communicate our ideas with extreme clarity and elegance. An important part of storytelling within the larger public realm is how we connect to the context. We take a multi-faceted approach in organizing our outreach from immediate neighbors to local groups.
Our Philosophy
Our initial thoughts on how to approach the transformation of an existing condition to a new one is to always add value and leave the slice of earth we touch better than how we found it.

An active center for cultural enrichment, education and entertainment for the mountain community of Crested Butte
Crested Butte, CO
We look to be stewards of finite space that will impact a community beyond the residents and workers that interact with these buildings. By investing in the infrastructure that is utilized by the larger community, we aspire that all projects will generate positive energy towards realization.

Asheshh Saheba
Partner, Design Director

“Sculpting space, shaping lives” is more than just a tagline. We believe that architecture must be democratic, accessible, and open, and that everyone has a right to good design. Our focus is on the user-occupant, thinking about how people experience and thrive within the spaces we create.