UCI Verano LRDP Capacity Study Irvine, California
The UC Irvine Verano Graduate & Family Housing LRDP Capacity Study plans for long-term community growth of graduate students and families as part of the campus LRDP goals.
Irvine, California
University of California, Irvine
53.6 acres

Steinberg Hart worked closely with UCI to develop a framework for graduate and family student housing needs that will accommodate recent LRDP growth projections while considering UC density goals and housing student success goals.

The study guides future growth, development and redevelopment of graduate resident housing communities within four selected land parcels. A key goal of the study is to identify the potential yield for graduate and family housing on each identified parcel through the development of higher density housing options. Considerations were given to the influence and impact of strategic plans for undergraduate housing and third-party graduate and undergraduate housing on the development of these parcels. For each parcel, Steinberg Hart provided a conceptual site plan, an estimate of probable cost, and an implementation schedule.

In addition to the yield analysis of each site, the LRDP capacity study included a ROM estimate of probably costs for each parcel, as well as an implementation schedule to understanding phasing over time to align with enrollment growth, as well as construction schedules.